Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wouldn't it be Nice

I am really just writing in order to avoid the mess of the laundry upstairs. I have had one excuse after another not to do the laundry this week. We got home on Monday night from Nova Scotia and had to be out the door in 15 min after we arrived, got home too late that night. Tuesday was filled with errands and catch upon phone calls and appts and just getting the house back in order. I have to do that in order to be able to put the clean laundry away. Wednesday I was back to babysitting and had 3 extras and we went to the petting zoo and then home again for ice cream. Oh, I ran some errands with the 7 kids and when we got home we just got ready to go to beulah that night. Wednesday night, went to Beulah, so once again, no laundry done. Thursday was the babysitting routine again and Olivia was babysitting at the neighbors so she couldn't help watch the kids while I was up in the bathroom sorting. Friday I unexpectedly had one of my kids come over for the afternoon and my garden and front lawn was calling my name. I spent most of the day there,and last night, after a later supper, one of my best friends who now lives away came over for a visit with her girls. Once more no laundry. Here it is 4:30 on Saturday afternoon and I am still looking for excuses. Wouldn't it be nice to have children who when they saw the laundry piles in the bathroom would decide to help mommy out. It is not just the washing and drying, it is the folding and putting away. I need to make a deal with my family members, I do the washing and drying and I will even do the folding, but I am not going to put it away. Wouldn't it be nice if we all had a little laundry fairy just like the tooth fairy who comes in the night to do our laundry. I wonder what I would have to put under my pillow in order for her to come? Maybe a little tide free...

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